Saturday, August 23, 2014

Buckeye Land

It's crazy to think that in a matter of days I will be starting classes at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine! I spent my two weeks off spending time with a bunch of people I won't see for some time and in general getting spoiled. I started my 3D tree challenge quilt but didn't quite finish it. It's almost there though. Just some finishing details that I should be able to finish in my time off before classes start.

Just need to outline part of the tree and add a backing maybe even a border.
Last Friday, mom and I went and picked up the rental minivan. I then spent the day packing up everything I was planning on taking to Ohio and putting it into the minivan. As I won't have a car (at least the first year) and I live pretty close to campus, that included putting my bicycle in the van.

This was a picture of the packing process part way though and you can see the wheel. Once I was done packing though, unless you look closely, I don't think you can see the wheel.

My aunt was very impressed with how I packed and told me I would be in charge if she ever moved. Last Saturday we spent 14 hours driving to Canal Fulton, OH. I drove the whole way partly because I goofed and didn't check the passenger seat when I started packing (there wasn't much leg room for me) and partly because I knew mom doesn't really like to drive. We drove the final 2 hours Sunday and started moving me in. 

I live with a 3rd year and two 4th year veterinary students. I've met two of them and they are awesome and super helpful. As you probably notice from the picture of the van I didn't bring a mattress. One of my housemates sold me a custom built loft bed frame but I had to find a mattress. I ended up sleeping the first night on the floor but made getting a mattress a priority the next day.

Mom stayed through Wednesday helping me unpack and get the things I needed for my room like a desk, bookshelves, and various other items. She also came with me to get my Ohio license. She then flew back the same day orientation started. The OSU CVM has a big sib program where you are paired up with a second year (big sib) who is there to help you though the year. My big sib is awesome and has really taken me under her wing. She met me at the big recreation and physical activity center (RPAC) and showed my around. Not only that but she has made sure if I hang out at parties I have a way home as I have no car.

I didn't realize there would be as many vet students living in houses by me but once I started meeting my classmates and upperclassmen, I found quite a few that live near me. Friday was our convocation ceremony where we were officially welcomed to the vet school, signed the veterinarian's oath, and spoke the oath. Then we got to see all the clubs at the big merchandise sale as well as get our baby pictures taken. The baby pictures will be in our baby book and is how the professors get to know our faces.

Throughout this week I have been asked 'Are you excited?', 'How was it?', 'Are you having a good time?' and while I am excited I don't think I am as excited as I would have been. Let me explain that. I am ready for school to start and have been excited/ready since I was accepted in December, I was excited to move, and I was excited for orientation. I'm someone that doesn't really show it much though. I also have been finding there might be a reason for not being extremely excited.

I got thinking last night that it's been about 6 and a half months since my dad died. I think that has something to do with my excitement level. It's not that I'm sad but I am missing him and wishing he could have been here to see me on campus as a first year student. I think this is something I might deal with every time a major event comes up in my life. I'm sure over time I won't think about it nearly as much but right now it is somewhat fresher. The convocation ceremony had many families there. For me, having my mom help me move in and dragging her around campus to run errands was my family convocation time. But, I didn't get to do any of that with my dad. I think if he were physically here, it doesn't even have to be in Ohio, and not with God I would have been even more excited. Don't get me wrong, I am excited it just felt incomplete. While I am sure I won't get used to it, it will not be so immediate in the future and I might start to feel like things are complete.

Now, I just have time to relax before classes start on Wednesday. I am looking forward to all I will be learning as well as what God has in store. I'm starting to think it might have something to do with thriving. Pastor Mike played Thrive by Casting Crowns at the end of each service I made before I left. Also at convocation they talked about not just surviving but thriving. Definitely check out the song: 

Until then TTFN

Sunday, August 3, 2014

To Be Loved

I have been blessed with so many amazing people that I see everyday. Yesterday was my last day working my job at Hannaford. That gives me two weeks before I move to get everything in order. The week leading up to my last day I heard from so many people how much I will be missed and how even though they weren't working that day they would come in. Half way through my day the store manager called a huddle on the front end. It was the largest huddle I have ever seen in that store. He explained that normally they don't have huddles for people moving on as it happens frequently but this was a special case. I was headed right where I wanted to be and that was special. He then let everyone know that they were able to have the jean dress down day because I had used all my front end 'dress down coupons' to purchase the dress down day. After the huddle I had so many hugs, hand shakes, good lucks, and congratulations. I had a card from the store and a card from a coworker. Near the end of my shift one of my coworkers who hadn't worked that day came in and asked how it felt to have only 20 minutes left. She then stayed and chatted while counting down the time for me. Going to punch out I was stopped by numerous people wanting hugs and wishing me well. In the end it took me 10 minutes after punching out to leave the store. Over the next two weeks I look forward to hanging with some of the amazing people in my life. I hope I can inspire the next group of people I meet in the same way I have the people I have spent the past year and a half if not longer. I also hope I can show God's love to them as well.

The following verse I feel sums up my time in New Hampshire and is something I want to live out in Ohio.
"Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with each other. Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don't think you know it all!"
Romans 12:15-16 NLT

Until Ohio! TTFN!